ATiC Meeting Handlova (Slovakia) 2007
Anouncement for the 2nd. ATIC-Meeting
The second ATIC-Meeting will be held from 06. to 09. Sept 2007
in Handlova / Tatra Montains / SLOVAKIA
Organisation TEAM:
– Falk
If you wanna join the meeting, please register under the provided link in the ATIC-Meeting Menu. Due to the fact that we have limited space registration is mandandory.
Falk has provided an idea for a Meeting in Slovakia. He is knowing a small, fine cheap hostel in Biele Vody, close to Hrinoa or Banska Bystrika in the “Lower Tatra”. Good conditions for Africas, onroad or offroad and not so far from germany.
We will stay in a Pension in Handlova.
Max the owner of the pension might offer guided off-road tours (extra costs, but his job). If you are interested in this tell us. We might arrange it.
Important Note! Space in the Pension is limitit to 20!!! Persons. If we are more we will open a waiting-list. If we are still more and you wanna join us you might look for an accomondation nearby on your own.
Latest News from Falk: (12.07.07)
– We can arrive on Thursday 06.Sept. So we spent first Night on Thursday.
– Price for 3 Days will be 115€ for 3 Nights incl. TourGuide for Friday and Saturday and secured parking.
– We will leave on Sunday 09.Sept.
– If we reach 20 People we close the list. Then we will open a waitinglist. If you wanna join us no matter how much we are, you should look for accomondation on your own nearby.
If you plan to travel with others to the meeting, if you have questions, or anything else please use the ATIC-Forum for discussion or asking.
Important note at this point for all “newbies”
ATIC-Meeting.org and (or) the Organisation-Team is NOT responsible for your reservation or any payments. When you arrive at the meeting please check in at the camping like every other normal tourist and check out like every other normal tourist. That means YOU have to pay your individual bill.
Participation on ATiC events is totally on your own risk. However, you join all offered events totally voluntary and on your own risk. We are not responsible for things that happen to you or to your gear. In case of an accident, damage or loss you and the involved persons are fully responsible to each other. You cannot claim ATiC for any reponsibility. (taken from Micha’s page, also valid for this page)
More Info still to come — we will add it from time to time.
Thanks and CU in Slovakia
have fun
Registered so far for the Meeting in Biele Vody / Slovakia
List will be updated from time to time. No worry – your Data are stored in the DB. If you want to be removed from the list for some reason (hope there is none) contact the admin, use PM or “Contact Us”.
Id | Surename |
Name |
Guest1 |
Guest2 |
Bike |
Country |
conf |
1 |
Falk | Falkmann | RD 07 | Germany | x | ||
2 |
Andreas | Lienhardt | Bettina Born ? | KTM 950 Adv S | Germany | x x | |
3 |
Miklós | ” KoMiki21″ | ? | RD 07 | Hungary | ||
4 |
Eross | “Brasil” | Orsi | Honda XRV750 – Africa Twin | Hungary | ||
5 |
Rones | Honda XRV 750 – Africa Twin | Hungary | ||||
6 | Frank | Müller | RD 07 | Germany | |||
7 | Dorka | Sandor | Ivan Beatrix | Fekete Laszio | Honda XRV 750 – Africa Twin | Hungary | x x – |
8 | Jozsef | Kasai | Monica Dikovics | XRV 750 Africa Twin | Hungary | ||
9 | Arnd | Christoph (GS 650) | F650 GS Dakar | Germany | x x | ||
10 | Tibor | Kallei | RD 07 A | Hungary | x | ||
11 | Gian Luca | Giangualano | KTM 950 SM | Italy | |||
12 | Udo |
Kölling |
RD 04 | Germany | x | ||
13 | Chris |
Melcher |
Alp PD06 | Germany | x | ||
ID | Surename |
Name |
Guest1 |
Guest2 |
Bike |
Country |
14 | Werner | Rosenthal | Karin Lehmkühler | Wohndose 🙂 | Africa Twin | Germany |
15 | Bernd | Wolfes | RD 07 | Bavaria | ||
16 | Stefan | Schneider | RD07A | Germany | ||
Meeting Map
[map style=”width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” marker=”yes” lat=”48.72733″ lon=”18.76009″]
A Report in german language here