ATiC Meeting Tarifa (Spain) 2007
Anouncement for the 1st. new ATIC-Meeting
The first new ATIC-Meeting will be held from 29/05/07 to 01/06/07
in TARIFA / Andalucia / SPAIN
Organisation TEAM:
– Thomas Müller
If you wanna join the meeting, please register under the provided link in the ATIC-Meeting Menu. The MenuItem for Registration at the moment is only open for registered ATIC’s. It will be open to the others later.
We will meet at
Camping Paloma
Crta. Nac. 340 Cadiz – Malaga Km 74 (road Cadiz to Malaga at km 74)
11380 Tarifa
Tel.: +34 956 684 203
Fax.: +34 95684233
GPS-Users: it’s at: 36°4’33.67″N / 5°41’36.73″W (says Google Earth) 🙂
[map style=”width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” address=”CareterNacional 340 Cadiz – MAlaga km 74; 11380 Tarifa” marker=”yes”]
As Thomas told me it is possible to rent a hut (bungalow) at the camping. You can do a reservation if wanted. For this please contact the camping at Tel.: +34 956 684 203 or write a Mail to campingpaloma@yahoo.es. Ask for Marco which is an english speaking guy at the camping and tell him that you want to make this reservation for the ATIC-Meeeting.
Note: It may be a good idea to make an early reservation if you think you want to stay in a bungalow. Otherwise it may be a high risk what all are booked.
We got some prices from the camping (thanks to Marco):
2 Pers, 1 Bike 1 Tent = 15.25 € /day
1 Small Bung x2 Pers = 40.13 € /day
1 Big Bung x4 Pers = 61.79 € /day
Some first info provided by ATIC #225 – (and don’t think if you read them all you don’t need to come)
Camping Paloma — Place of our meeting
Tarifa All-embracing information about Tarifa in nine languages
Tarifa Wikki – Article of Wikipedia about Tarifa, good overview
Tarifa Wikki german — Same Wiki in German
Whale watching — Recommended whale watching in the Strait of Gibraltar starting in Tarifa
Morocco ferry — Schneisi’s ‘ferry link’ for ferries to Morocco
More ferries – Another ferry link to the AT’s motherland (not Japan) by Werner. Especially for mobile homes, motorbikes seem to be more expensive
Important Info – This information was provided by atic372, really. He mentioned, it’s important 🙂
Andalucia – Informations about Andalucia in three languages
Gibraltar – Official homepage of Gibraltar (only in english)
Cadiz – All-embracing information about Cadiz in four languages
Sevilla – Tourists info of Sevilla in seven languages
Granada – All-embracing information about Granada in four languages
more Granada – Informations about and around Granada in three languages
Thomas and Gitta provided some Tours around the corner! 🙂
Looked for some tours in Andalucia.
North of Tarifa there are a lot of lakes looking good on Google Earth. The roads in this area are very small, curvy and often seem to be made of gravel. Should be a nice trip to visit some of the lakes.
On the other hand there are a lot of towns worth for sightseeing. The way to this places are possible on the same roads as mentioned above or on main roads to make distance. So I collected some tours to famous towns combining motorcycle trips and sightseeing.
Destination |
Route (according to Google Earth) |
Distance (according to Google Earth) |
Comments |
8-lake-tour (Embalse de Celemin , Embalse de Barbate , Embalse de Guadalcacin , Embalse de Bornos , Embalse de los Hurones , Embalse del Guadarranque , Embalse de Palmones , Embalse de Almodovar ) | It’s not easy to plan with Google Earth.The link shows a simplified version, the detailed one was too long for Google Earth ![]() |
~ 366 km | There are a lot more little curvy (and even gravel) roads to take but Google Earth is concentrating on main roads, ![]() ![]() |
Ronda(alt. Link ) | via Jimena and Gaucin | 123 km | Nice town, great bridge. Reminds me to the book ‘Asterix XXV’ ![]() |
Gibraltar | shortest way | 46 km | Rock, apes, sunny Britain ![]() |
Cadiz | along the coast | 103 km | Oldest town in Europe, never conquered by Napoleon |
Jerez | via Vejer de la Frontera | 121 km | Sherry (home of Osborne) and Circuito de Jerez (for those interested in Grand Prix-Races) |
Sevilla | on main roads via Jerez | 209 km | Capitel of Andalucia |
Granada | only main roads via Marbella and Malaga | 290 km | The Alhambra! But may be better on the way to or from the meeting. |
Cordoba | only main roads via Marbella and Malaga, too | 317 km | A cathedral inside a mosque that’s one of the largest moorish buildings worldwide. But may be better on the trip, too. |
Fuego /(this is spanish for fire)
Important note for those thinking about famous ATIC-BBQ’s. Depending on the high risk of forest fire it may be prohibided to have a open fire. Think about this through your hole travel.
If you plan to travel with others to the meeting, if you have questions, or anything else please use the ATIC-Forum for discussion or asking.
Important note at this point for all “newbies”
ATIC-Meeting.org and (or) the Organisation-Team is NOT responsible for your reservation or any payments. When you arrive at the meeting please check in at the camping like every other normal tourist and check out like every other normal tourist. That means YOU have to pay your individual bill.
Participation on ATiC events is totally on your own risk. However, you join all offered events totally voluntary and on your own risk. We are not responsible for things that happen to you or to your gear. In case of an accident, damage or loss you and the involved persons are fully responsible to each other. You cannot claim ATiC for any reponsibility. (taken from Micha’s page, also valid for this page)
see also the “Download-Section” for more Meeting related items.
– Marco povideded a PowerPoint with some tour suggestions which you can download now.
Last Info! 🙂
Thomas asked if it will be possible to have a “ATIC-Dinner” at the Restaurant. They might provide us the following.
“Gazpacho Andaluz” (Tomato Energy Drink!)
“Ensaladas” (Salads)
“Pescaito Frito” Mixes of Differents Fried Fishes
I think we will discuss the details when we are at the Meeting.
First ATIC (Udo) is on the way. (Greetings form Maria to all (from Castellbo). Most of the group will start on Tuesday. Admin will start this saturday or next tuesday. Registration will be closed tonight.
To exchange the last info – building travelgroups or whatthefuckever — use PM or the Forum.
Thanks and CU in SPAIN — have fun
Registered for the Meeting in Tarifa / Spain
Official participants of the Tarifa-Meeting.
Id | Firstname | Name | Guest1 | Guest2 | Bike | Country |
1 | Thomas | Müller | AT RD04 1992 204Mm | Germany | ||
2 | Werner | Rosenthal | AT RD04 | Germany | ||
3 | Katharina | Lehmkühler | TA PD10 | Germany | ||
4 | Stefan | Schneider | RD07A | D | ||
5 | Axel “Donantonello” | Willimzig | GLG-RD04 | germany | ||
6 | Sandrine “Drinella” | Barbier | ATiC – Fighter ZZR600 | france/germany | ||
7 | Gitta | Schulze | BMW F650 GS | German | ||
8 | Pistollero Don OPH | Krögel | Bommel | grinsch \”Hartmuth\” | Supertätärä | kahnland or lehmannländ |
9 | Andreas | Lienhardt | Bettina Born | KTM 950 Adv. S | Germany | |
10 | El Tonio | Wilde | Söntje Schössler | TanteQ | Germany | |
11 | Gian Luca | Giangualano | KTM 950 SM | Italy | ||
12 | Lee | McKnee | Possibly Simon (KTM950) | AT 750 RD 07 | Spain | |
13 | Udo |
Kölling | AT RD 04 | Tedesca | ||
14 | Ingo “Doelle” | Döring | Patrizia | Black Epic Battlecharger | la Alemania reunificada | |
Report of the first new ATiC meeting in Tarifa, Andalucia, Spain
After Andreas opened his homepage for ATiC meetings we soon decided in a poll that a meeting is obviously needed first.Ralph brought in the idea of a meeting in sunny Britain (= Gibraltar) and named Camping Paloma which he knew from a former trip.
This camping he mentioned to be a good place for an ATiC meeting.
The idea of a meeting in the far south of Spain made me smile and I phoned and mailed with Marco, the english speaking guy at the camping. We found a date for a meeting of around 20 bikers and Marco assured to reservate an area, where we could stay together.
Another ATiC meeting was born.
After publishing it on the homepage we soon got registrations from several ATiCs. Seemed to be a good idea 😉
So on May, 23th Sandrine, Axel, Oph, Grinsch, Bommel, Tonio, Gitta, and me took a train which brought us from Düsseldorf to Narbonne in southern France.From there on we wanted to go to Tarifa in several days.
On the first day we reached Maria’s camping in Castellbó near Andorra. It was like a revival meeting, because some of us spend some days there in 2000 and 2001.Of course Maria served paella in the evening 😉 Ingo and Patrizia reached Castellbó one day earlier and joined our group from there on.
Because of a flood in central Spain we furtheron chose our way near the eastern coast.Avoiding the tourist’s centers at the coast we also didn’t take the curvy coast roads and our way became not always that interesting for motorbikes.Via Peñiscola, Jumilla, Sierra de Baza, Sierra Nevada, and the autopista at the southern coast we reached Tarifa in four days. From the second day on we splitted the group because 9 bikes are too much for such a long trip.
At Camping Paloma some build up there tents, others booked bungalows. All together we used the center of our area for breakfast or dinner.
With Marco’s help we got three grills and celebrated two ATiC BBQs.
Another evening we got the ATiC dinner in the camping’s restaurant.
All days were filled with tours, sunbathing, relaxing, eating, drinking, changing tyres, changing break pads, and sightseeing. Some visited places near by (Gibraltar, Tarifa) others went to Cadiz or Jerez (this not for sightseeing but needing a KTM garage or a special gas station ;-))
Four of us even took the ferry to Morocco for a daytrip, looking whats different on the other continent.
On June, 1st the most ATiCs joined the meeting including Lee, who came for an afterwork meeting from Cadiz, and Gianluca via mobile, because he couldn’t leave Italy with a broken exhaust… Of course we took the opportunity to take a ‘Foto di grupo’ (ok, I think there were hundrets of photos taken ;-))
But then it was time to leave Tarifa. We decided to take another route back 😉
Gitta, Tonio, and me took a day to reach Granada via Ronda, worth for sightseeing.
In Granada we spent an extra day visiting the Alhambra, the Generalife, and the city.
Then we took the very small and very curvy roads of the ‘Parque Natural de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas’ – a wonderful area around an artificial lake – and the ‘Sierra de Cuenca’.
After altogether four days we reached the pyreneen mountains and chose a very curvy small road to reach Maria’s camping again. But we had still 250 km to go when Gitta’s bike got a flat tire and couldn’t be repaired with spray.We had to search for a ‘neumatico’ to help us. We found him just in the moment when he wanted to go to lunch. After his lunch break at 4:00 pm he helped us quickly and friendly, but till then we had to wait two hours. In Spain the ‘siesta’ is very important ;-(
Nevertheless we reached Maria’s camping that evening joining nearly all other meeting participants and spent two wonderful dinners and a relaxing day there.
Then the last day came and we had to go to the train which brought us back to Germany.
– though the train took us half the way there and back we did around 4750 km on our bikes
– there was no rain in 18 days :-))) (ok, there were some drops near the mountains but that doesn’t really count)
– again we had to repair some bikes
– again we emptied a lot of cans or bottles of wine or beer
– again we ate very well every evening and mostly at high noon
– ok, there was no gelateria to find in Spain
– again we had fun, met nice people, had fun, saw so nice areas, had fun, …
In one word: this was a typical, fantastic ATiC meeting
Best wishes and always enough grip
P.S.: For more pictures see the gallery 😉
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